
We're required to place some legal text here, so we will.


MoneyMinds is the trade name of Journey Finance Holding B.V. registered at Valeriusstraat 145B, 1075ET, Amsterdam, registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with KVK number: 70554099 and VAT number: NL858372204B01.

Participation in the financial markets involves risks. Make sure you fully understand these risks before you start investing and never risk more capital than you are prepared to lose. The information on this website is not investment advice and can never be used as such.

Copyright MoneyMinds 2023 ©

Article 1. Definitions

In the General Terms and Conditions of MoneyMinds, the following words have the meaning stated after them:

MoneyMinds: The writer of the content on the website 
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/moneyminds.io
Newsletter: weekly (or more) content send through email
Website: https://www.moneyminds.io

The reader: the person who reads the information presented on the MoneyMinds Instagram page, newsletter or the MoneyMinds website.

Article 2. Objective of MoneyMinds

2.1 MoneyMinds is a platform with the aim of inspiring its readers. Content is shared that is of particular interest to readers interested in investing, saving, taxes, personal finance and more. This content is shared to inspire both non-investors and investors to expand their knowledge of these topics.

2.2 YoungTrader consists of an informative website, a newsletter and Instagram page. Blogs are written to provide readers with more information about the above mentioned topics.. MoneyMinds is not an official financial service provider. The content as shared on the website, the newsletter and Instagram page does not contain financially binding advice in any way. This content is for educational or inspirational purposes and is not intended to encourage or compel readers to take action. Readers are solely responsible for their actions based on the information shared on the MoneyMinds website, newsletter and Instagram page.

2.3 MoneyMinds cannot be held liable in any way for the actions of investors, nor for the results of these actions. Followers of the MoneyMinds newsletter, instagram page and website visitors to the MoneyMinds website bear full responsibility for the use of the shared content.

Article 3. Indication of third parties

3.1 MoneyMinds declares only with the best intentions to mention a third party

3.2 MoneyMinds declares that it does not receive sponsors for mentioning a third party unless explicitly said so

Article 4. Liability

4.1 MoneyMinds cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage to readers or investors, which is the result of or in connection with:
a decrease in value or increase in value of securities, losses suffered by the reader or investor and/or lost profits; inaccuracies in the information provided about securities, calculations, balance statement or other information provided by MoneyMinds to website visitors or Instagram followers; a fall or rise in exchange rates; consequential damage, lost profit, lost savings, reduced goodwill, damage due to business interruption is excluded; any action you take in response to the information, as shared on the website or Instagram page, is entirely at the reader's own responsibility. MoneyMinds can in no way be held liable for consequences and results of these actions; all content shared on the website, newsletter and Instagram page is intended to help readers realise your full financial potential. MoneyMinds does not guarantee the results of actions based on this information. What the reader does with the information offered by MoneyMinds is entirely up to the reader; all information offered by MoneyMinds has been developed for informational purposes only. The content is not a promise or guarantee of specific results. MoneyMinds does not provide financial, legal or tax advice. Making decisions based on the information presented by MoneyMinds is voluntary and under the sole responsibility of the investor. In no way shall I, the owner of MoneyMinds, be liable for any decisions, actions and results of readers or investors, at any time and under any circumstances; any other damage whatsoever;

Article 5. Intellectual Property / Use of Published Materials

5.1 MoneyMinds owns full intellectual property rights on the texts, blog posts and Instagram posts of MoneyMinds. It is not permitted to share these as a third party with third parties without mentioning the source MoneyMinds.io.

​5.2 It is not allowed to commercially sell or include the knowledge gained via the Instagram page or website of MoneyMinds in your own online or offline publication, unless MoneyMinds has given written permission for this.

Article 6. Applicable law

6.1 This agreement is governed by Dutch law.

If you have any questions or comments about the above conditions, please contact me by email.