Investing 10% of all MoneyMinds' revenue to help close the funding gap in emerging markets


A Zoomer's Guide to

Mastering Modern Life

Our commitment to giving back

It is our mission to make financial literacy achievable for everyone.

The MoneyMinds collective does this by providing money confidence for young professionals through our weekly newsletter, our podcast, this blog, our guides and courses.

We have been lucky enough to be born in a country where we have access to an education and healthcare, but many others are not so lucky.

We knew from the start that we wanted to give back, to those that are in need. After careful consideration we've decided to invest through Lendahand.

The Lendahand logo
The Lendahand logo

What is Lendahand?

Lendahand is a crowdfunding platform that allows investors like you and me to fund projects all over the world. The aim is to help close the funding gap in emerging markets (a whopping €4.6 trillion annually!). This means there are many many more entrepreneurs & SMEs in emerging markets seeking funding than there is available capital from traditional financial institutions. Without this money, it is almost impossible for these people to start making a living for themselves.

By investing through Lendahand, we want to do our part in helping fight poverty, provide education, reduce gender inequality, and improve living conditions all over the world.

The platform has been around since 2011, managing over €35 million in loans to more than 1,000 projects in Europe and Africa.

Please note that MoneyMinds is in no way affiliated with Lendahand and we are committing purely on a voluntary basis.

How does Lendahand work?

Choosing a project that fits

Lendahand gives you the unique opportunity to invest in these entrepreneurs & SMEs in the form of projects on our crowdfunding platform.

Investing in entrepreneurs to fight poverty

By investing in entrepreneurs in emerging markets, you’re stimulating local economies, creating jobs, and providing opportunities to those who need it most.

Get your money back plus interest

Once a project is fully funded, you’ll start receiving principal repayments from your original investment plus interest every six months. This is great, because the returned profits can then be used to help even more entrepreneurs.

If you're interested, you can read more about them on their website.

What are we committing?

From the start, 10% of our revenue will get invested through crowdfunding platform Lendahand. We will be as transparent as possible about this, and update you in our blog as investments happen (when we actually start making money 😉). For now, Lendahand only allows for personal accounts, so we might change later for a provider that offers company accounts.

What is the first project?

The project description on Lendahand

We kicked off this journey by investing €50 in Creze, that will provide financing to about 15 MSMEs in Mexico. Approximately 25% of the companies funded by Creze are female owned. It might not be a lot, but it is a start 😊.

Mexico has 4 million SMEs, representing 60% of the formal productive employment in the country. Yet more than half of these SMEs don’t have access to the financing they need. Financial institutions like Creze help them overcome this hurdle by offering quick and flexible loan solutions through their digital lending platform.

You can see the project on Lendahand here.

How can you help?

While MoneyMinds is entirely free right now, we do want to release paid content later on, in the form of online courses or a paid community. If you want to help us out today, considering buying me a coffee.

Of course, you don't have to spend a dime! Please consider sharing our newsletter with friends and family that might benefit from it, this will already help immensely! You can send them this link


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you're just as excited about this journey as I am. As always, feel free to drop me a line via if you have feedback!


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